“Boy Kills World” is a typical programmer that revolves around a lonely mixed media enthusiast seeking revenge on the demagogues he holds responsible for ruining his life. Skarsgård’s character experiences conflicting emotions regarding his quest for murder, which he expresses through excessively silly voiceover narration. However, he appears indifferent to the fact that his favorite Frosty Puffs have joined forces with the Van Der Koys. Furthermore, in a later scene, Boy even enjoys a bowl of Frosty Puffs. Something doesn’t quite make sense here. “Boy Kills World” attempts to touch upon media criticism by focusing on the Van Der Koy family’s manipulation of the media. However, this aspect only holds limited significance in a violent and joyless action comedy that portrays media consumers and political dissidents as forgettable background characters. Skarsgård’s avenging hero’s desires are constantly revealed through his incessant stream-of-consciousness narration, leaving no room for ambiguity. Additionally, through generic training montage sequences featuring “The Raid” star Yayan Ruhian, we can gather some insights into the noble nature of Boy’s mission. Stream Online Latest Hollywood Films on Soap2day Website.